Saturday, 21 April 2012

Selected Online Journal [Indexed in Scopus/ISI WoS] (updated: 12/02/2012)

hope u have fun in writing...enjoy urself mas....

International Journal of Innovation (Indexed in SCOPUS)

Research Journal of Applied Science (Indexed in SCOPUS) – The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology (Indexed in ISI) – The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher (Indexed in ISI)

Asia-Pacific Social Science Review (Indexed in scopus) – International Journal of Environmental and Science Education (Indexed in Scopus) – American Journal of Applied Science (Indexed in Scopus) – Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (Indexed in Scopus) – International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education (Indexed in Scopus) Journal of Sports Science & Medicine (Indexed in ISI & Scopus) – Asia Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching (Indexed in Scopus) – Journal of Educators Online (Indexed in Scopus) – Journal of Technology Management & Innovation (Indexed in Scopus) - Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (Indexed in Scopus) – Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (Indexed in Scopus) – Journal of Turkish Science Education (Indexed in Scopus) Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society (Indexed in Scopus) – Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education (Indexed in Scopus)

Current Issues in Education (CIE) (Scopus)

International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education (Scopus)

Issues in Educational Research (Scopus)

Language Learning and Technology (Scopus)

Chemistry Education Research and Practice (Indexed in Scopus & ISI)

Journal of Language Studies (Indexed in Scopus) Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (Indexed in Scopus)

so, do ur best mas...but first of all, make sure ur proposal mantap dulu...ask ur sv whether she agree or not...if she's agree, then u can proceed for da next ur best k...may ALLAH bless u always....

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

speaking tests_example from youtube...

some more for u to look through..

hope u can speak naturally and the sentence/focus u can built coherently...

all da best tmts...

Speaking Part 1

Speaking Part 2

Speaking Part 3


Observe practical students

just nak share regarding observe practical students...follow Prof Subahan to observe his students..

Venue: SMK Maahad Hamidiah, Kajang
Practical Students: Mohd Arif (Physics), Asnarita (TESL), Aimi (Chemistry)

yang betul2 observe hanya Arif and Asnarita...Aimi Prof Subahan yang observe. masa tue tengah observe Arif.

quiet interesting...coz sebelum nie, hanya follow je Dr or Prof observe...xbrpe nak critic...but for today, also contribute something...comment to them where the teaching method inappropriate...unnecessary thing...unrelated matter...or something that they should stress out while teaching...having discussion with them after the observing process...

hope this also will guide me later on in my teaching...insyaallah...


dapat surat dari KPT mohon bayar pembiayaan yang telah diberikan..

total is RM18,400.00..

mana nak cari duit banyak tue sekaligus...

so buat rayuan untuk bayar secara ansuran...

hari nie baru post surat rayuan (after had a discussin with en khairul anuar dari bahagian penguatkuasaan dan kutipan balik, KPT)...

so, hope to hear good news from KPT soon....

Monday, 16 April 2012

Doa Nabi Yunus

~Doa Nabi Yunus Jadikan Amalan~

Nabi Yunus alayhissalam diutus oleh Allah swt. kepada masyarakat Naynawa, yang terkenal dengan kekafirannya. Nampaknya, Nabi Yunus kurang sabar dengan perlakuan kaumnya. Dalam keadaan kesal, ia pergi meninggalkan kaumnya menuju tepi laut. Kemudian ia menumpang kapal yang akan berlayar. Di tengah lautan, kapal diterpa badai dan angin kencang. Untuk menghindari kapal karam, muatan kapal harus dikurangi. Semua penumpang kapal sepakat untuk melakukan undian. Siapa yang namanya keluar, maka dialah yang harus dilemparkan ke lautan. Ternyata, yang keluar adalah nama Nabi Yunus. Akhirnya, Nabi Yunus menceburkan dirinya ke lautan, dan ia ditelan ikan besar. Al-Quran menyebut ikan itu dengan Hut atau Nun. Namun, Allah swt. mewahyukan ikan itu untuk tidak memakan tubuh Nabi Yunus.
Ada yang mengatakan Yunus a.s. tinggal di dalam perut ikan selama 3 hari, 7 hari, bahkan 40 hari. Selama itu ia berdoa kepada Allah swt., ‘Allahumma, la ilaha illa anta. Subhanaka, inni kuntu minazzhalimin – ya Allah, tidak ada Tuhan selain Engkau. Maha Suci Engkau. Sungguh aku ini termasuk orang-orang yang zalim’.

Doa Yunus menembus Arsy, sampai-sampai para malaikat berkata, ‘Ya Rabb, sepertinya ini adalah suara orang lemah yang sudah dikenali, yang datang dari negeri yang jauh dan asing’. Allah bertanya, ‘Tahukan kalian, suara siapakah itu?’ Malaikat menjawab, ‘Suara siapakah itu?’ Allah berkata, ‘Itu adalah suara Yunus, hamba-Ku’. Malaikat berkata, ‘Yunus yang amalnya senantiasa naik ke langit dan doanya dikabulkan? Ya Rabb, tidakkah Engkau menaruh belas-kasih padanya lantaran dia senantiasa memuji-Mu di saat senang, dengan begitu Engkau selamatkan ia di saat terjepit seperti ini?’ Allah menjawab, ‘Ya, tentu saja’. Maka, Allah memerintahkan kepada ikan hut untuk melemparkan Yunus ke daerah tandus.

Yunus terdampar di sebuah pulau yang tandus, dalam keadaan lemah. Lalu, Allah mengembalikan kekuatannya dengan menumbuhkan pohon labu di dekatnya. Bukan hanya itu, Allah mengembalikan seribu umatnya dalam keadaan beriman, dan Allah berikan kemakmuran hidup kepada mereka. (Q.s. as-Shaffat/37: 145-148)

Doa Nabi Yunus adalah salah satu doa mustajab. Kita dianjurkan untuk sering membacanya, lebih-lebih di saat kita mengalami kesulitan.

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

xm ielts...

registered for da ielts...

it's confirm...26 May 2012...

wish me LUCK kay...

Bercakap Berpada-pada

Pada suatu hari, seorang gadis yang terpengaruh dengan cara hidup masyarakat Barat menaiki sebuah bas mini untuk menuju ke destinasi di wilayah Iskandariah. Malangnya walaupun tinggal di bumi yang terkenal dengan tradisi keislaman, pakaian gadis tersebut sangat menjolok mata.Bajunya agak nipis dan seksi hampir terlihat segala yang patut disembunyikan bagi seorang perempuan daripada pandangan lelaki ajnabi atau mahramnya.

Gadis itu dalam lingkungan 20 tahun. Di dalam bas itu, ada seorang tua yang dipenuhi uban menegurnya: “Wahai pemudi! Alangkah baiknya jika kamu berpakaian yang baik, yang sesuai dengan ketimuran dan adat serta agama Islam kamu, itu lebih baik daripada kamu berpakaian begini yang pastinya menjadi mangsa pandangan liar kaum lelaki…. ” nasihat orang tua itu.

Namun, nasihat yang sangat bertetapan dengan tuntutan agama itu dijawab oleh gadis itu dengan jawapan yang mengejek: “Siapalah kamu hai orang tua? Adakah kamu cuba nak ingatkan aku supaya menutup aurat sepenuhnya sedangkan bapa kandungku sendiri tidak pernah menasihatiku?Apakah kamu mahu aku berpakaian menutup aurat sedangkan aku masih mahu bebas menayangkan tubuh badan ku di khalayak ramai?Apakah di tangan kamu ada anak kunci syurga? Atau adakah kamu memiliki sejenis kuasa yang menentukan aku bakal berada di syurga atau neraka?”

Setelah menghamburkan kata-kata yang sangat menghiris perasaan orang tua itu, gadis itu tertawa mengejek panjang. Tidak cukup setakat itu, si gadis lantas cuba memberikan telefon bimbitnya kepada orang tua tadi sambil melafazkan kata-kata yang lebih dahsyat. ” Jika ISLAM itu BENAR, tempatkan bilikku di Neraka, Ambil handphone ku ini dan hubungilah Allah serta tolong tempahkan sebuah bilik di neraka jahanam untukku,” katanya lagi lantas ketawa berdekah-dekah tanpa mengetahui bahawa dia sedang mempertikaikan hukum Allah dengan begitu biadab.

Orang tua tersebut sangat terkejut mendengar jawapan daripada si gadis manis. Sayang sekali, wajahnya yang ayu tidak sama dengan perilakunya yang buruk. Penumpang-penumpang yang lain turut terdiam malah ada yang menggelengkan kepala kebingungan. Semua yang di dalam bas tidak menghiraukan gadis muda yang tidak menghormati hukum-hakam agama itu dan mereka tidak mahu menasihatinya kerana khuatir dia akan akan menghina agama dengan lebih teruk lagi.

Sepuluh minit kemudian bas pun tiba di perhentian. Gadis seksi bermulut celupar tersebut tertidur di muka pintu bas. Puas pemandu bas termasuk para penumpang yang lain mengejutkannya tapi gadis tersebut tidak sedarkan diri. Tiba tiba orang tua tadi memeriksa nadi si gadis. Sedetik kemudian dia menggeleng-gelengkan kepalanya. Gadis itu telah kembali menemui Tuhannya dalam keadaan yang tidak disangka. Para penumpang menjadi cemas dengan berita yang menggemparkan itu. Dalam suasana kelam kabut itu, tiba tiba tubuh gadis itu terjatuh ke pinggir jalan. Orang ramai segera berkejar untuk menyelamatkan jenazah tersebut. Tapi sekali lagi mereka terkejut. Sesuatu yang aneh menimpa jenazah yang terbujur kaku di jalan raya. Mayatnya menjadi hitam seolah-olah dibakar api. Dua tiga orang yang cuba mengangkat mayat tersebut juga kehairanan kerana tangan mereka terasa panas dan hampir melecur sebaik saja menyentuh tubuh si mayat. Akhirnya mereka memanggil pihak keselamatan menguruskan mayat itu.

Begitulah kisah ngeri lagi menyayat hati yang menimpa gadis malang tersebut. Apakah hasratnya menempah sebuah bilik di neraka dimakbulkan Allah? Na’uzubillah, sesungguhnya Allah itu Maha Berkuasa di atas segala sesuatu. Sangat baik kita jadikan iktibar dan pelajaran dengan kisah benar ini sebagai Muslim sejati. Jangan sesekali kita mempertikaikan hukum Allah mahupun sunnah RasulNya s.a.w. dengan mempersendakan atau mengejek. Kata kata seperti ajaran Islam tidak sesuai lagi dengan arus kemodenan dunia hari ini atau sembahyang tidak akan buat kita jadi kaya dan seumpamanya adalah kata-kata yang sangat biadab dan menghina Allah, pencipta seluruh alam.

Ingatlah teman, kita boleh melupakan kematian, tetapi kematian tetap akan terjadi kepada kita. Hanya masanya saja yang akan menentukan bila kita akan kembali ke alam barzakh. Janganlah menjadi orang yang bodoh, siapakah orang yang bodoh itu? Mereka itulah orang yang ingin melawan Tuhan Rabbul ‘alamin. Apabila anda enggan melaksanakan suruhan Tuhan bererti anda ingin melawan arahan Tuhan.

Sewaktu di sekolah anda tertakluk dengan undang-undang sekolah, dalam pekerjaan anda tertakluk dengan undang-undang yang dilakar oleh majikan anda, di dalam negeri anda tertakluk di bawah undang-undang negara anda. Begitu taksub sekali anda terhadap undang-undang itu sehingga terlalu prihatin takut kalau melanggar undang-undang tersebut . Apabila anda berpijak di bumi ini, anda juga tertakluk dengan undang-undang yang telah di gubal oleh yang pemilik yang menjadikan bumi ini.

Setiap Sultan ada taman larangannya, begitu juga Allah s.w.t. taman laranganNya adalah perkara-perkara yang telah diharamkan bagi hamba-hambaNya di muka bumi ini. Sama samalah kita memohon agar Allah sentiasa memberi kita petunjuk di atas jalan yang benar dan agar Dia memberikan kekuatan agar kita sentiasa dapat menjaga lidah kita, amin.Kisah ini dikongsikan dan diceritakan bersama oleh sahabat saya sendiri yang berasal di Malaysia dan kini berada di perantauan sana. – Edisikini

Berita Harian Online | Dasar baru jadikan ICT peneraju pendidikan

Berita Harian Online | Dasar baru jadikan ICT peneraju pendidikan

Dasar baru jadikan ICT peneraju pendidikan
Oleh Magendran Rajagopal
2010/10/13Usaha lahir generasi berilmu bertaraf antarabangsa

PUTRAJAYA: Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, berkata Dasar Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi Dalam Pendidikan akan menjadikan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi (ICT) sebagai pengupaya utama dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran.

Muhyiddin yang juga Menteri Pelajaran, berkata langkah itu meningkatkan kualiti pendidikan dan melahirkan generasi berilmu serta berupaya menyumbang ke arah pembangunan negara.

“Dasar ini kesinambungan daripada inisiatif Sekolah Bestari yang menekankan penggunaan teknologi sebagai wahana menggalakkan perkembangan daya kreativiti, pembelajaran secara bekerjasama, pemikiran kritis dan penyelesaian masalah.

“Dasar ini menggabung dan menyelaraskan semua inisiatif ICT sedia ada seperti SchoolNet, Makmal Komputer, EduWebTV, Pusat Akses dan apa jua inisiatif ICT yang dilaksanakan pada masa depan dengan tujuan meningkatkan pencapaian murid,” katanya ketika melancarkan dasar itu di sini, semalam.

Hadir sama Ketua Pengarah Pelajaran, Tan Sri Alimuddin Mohd Dom; Timbalan Ketua Setiausaha (Pengurusan) Kementerian Pela-jaran, Dr Rosli Mohamad dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Perbadanan Kemajuan Multimedia (MDeC), Datuk Badlisham Ghazali.

Difahamkan, dasar itu dilancar berikutan kajian Unit Perancang Ekonomi (EPU) Jabatan Perdana Menteri yang melaporkan Pelan Induk Pembangunan Pendidikan 2006-2010 tidak menyatakan secara khusus peranan ICT sebagai pengupaya proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang berkesan.
EPU turut menyifatkan pelaburan RM6.1 bilion bagi inisiatif ICT untuk tempoh 1999 hingga 2009 sebagai tidak memberikan pulangan setimpal kepada pembangunan modal insan negara.

Muhyiddin berkata, dasar itu akan menjadikan amalan di negara maju sebagai penanda aras untuk memastikan komponen ICT dalam pendidikan mampu mencapai piawaian antarabangsa.

Katanya, dengan menjadikan dasar itu sebagai rujukan, pelaksanaan semua program ICT di kementerian menjurus kepada sasaran yang sama iaitu mempertingkatkan pencapaian murid dan memastikan setiap murid mempunyai akses kepada pendidikan yang berkualiti.

Empat asas menjadi teras dasar iaitu pembangunan modal insan berterusan, penggunaan teknologi yang sesuai bagi mengintegrasikan inisiatif ICT sedia ada dalam pendidikan, proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran dan pengurusan pendidikan menggunakan ICT.

Monday, 9 April 2012

Apa Hebatnya SOLAT di AWAL waktu???

Setiap peralihan waktu solat sebenarnya menunjukkan perubahan tenaga alam ini yang boleh diukur dan dicerap melalui perubahan warna alam.

Rasanya fenomena perubahan warna alam adalah sesuatu yang tidak asing bagi mereka yang terlibat dalam bidang fotografi, betul tak?


Sebagai contoh, pada waktu Subuh alam berada dalam spektrum warna biru muda yang bersamaan dengan frekuensi tiroid yang mempengaruhi sistem metabolisma tubuh.

Jadi warna biru muda atau waktu Subuh mempunyai rahsia berkaitan dengan penawar/rezeki dan komunikasi.

Mereka yang kerap tertinggal waktu Subuhnya ataupun terlewat secara berulang-ulang kali, lama kelamaan akan menghadapi masalah komunikasi dan rezeki.

Ini kerana tenaga alam iaitu biru muda tidak dapat diserap oleh tiroid yang mesti berlaku dalam keadaan roh dan jasad bercantum (keserentakan ruang dan masa) - dalam erti kata lain jaga daripada tidur.

Di sini juga dapat kita cungkil akan rahsia diperintahkan solat di awal waktu.

Bermulanya saja azan Subuh, tenaga alam pada waktu itu berada pada tahap optimum.

Tenaga inilah yang akan diserap oleh tubuh melalui konsep resonan pada waktu rukuk dan sujud.

Jadi mereka yang terlewat Subuhnya sebenar sudah mendapat tenaga yang tidak optimum lagi.


Warna alam seterusnya berubah ke warna hijau (Isyraq & Dhuha) dan kemudian warna kuning menandakan masuknya waktu Zohor.

Spektrum warna pada waktu ini bersamaan dengan frekuensi perut dan hati yang berkaitan dengan sistem penghadaman.

Warna kuning ini mempunyai rahsia yang berkaitan dengan keceriaan.

Jadi mereka yang selalu ketinggalan atau terlewat Zuhurnya berulang-ulang kali dalam hidupnya akan menghadapi masalah di perut dan hilang sifat cerianya.

Orang yang tengah sakit perut ceria tak?


Kemudian warna alam akan berubah kepada warna oren, iaitu masuknya waktu Asar di mana spektrum warna pada waktu ini bersamaan dengan frekuensi prostat, uterus, ovari dan testis yang merangkumi sistem reproduktif.

Rahsia warna oren ialah kreativiti.

Orang yang kerap tertinggal Asar akan hilang daya kreativitinya dan lebih malang lagi kalau di waktu Asar ini jasad dan roh seseorang ini terpisah (tidur la tu).

Dan jangan lupa, tenaga pada waktu Asar ni amat diperlukan oleh organ-organ reproduktif kita.


Menjelang waktu Maghrib, alam berubah ke warna merah dan di waktu ini kita kerap dinasihatkan oleh orang-orang tua agar tidak berada di luar rumah.

Ini kerana spektrum warna pada waktu ini menghampiri frekuensi jin dan iblis (infra-red) dan ini bermakna jin dan iblis pada waktu ini amat bertenaga kerana mereka resonan dengan alam.

Mereka yang sedang dalam perjalanan juga seelok-eloknya berhenti dahulu pada waktu ini (solat Maghrib dulu la) kerana banyak interferens (pembelauan) berlaku pada waktu ini yang boleh mengelirukan mata kita.

Rahsia waktu Maghrib atau warna merah ialah keyakinan, pada frekuensi otot, saraf dan tulang.


Apabila masuk waktu Isyak, alam berubah ke warna Indigo dan seterusnya memasuki fasa Kegelapan.

Waktu Isyak ini menyimpan rahsia ketenteraman dan kedamaian di mana frekuensinya bersamaan dengan sistem kawalan otak.

Mereka yang kerap ketinggalan Isyaknya akan selalu berada dalam kegelisahan.

Alam sekarang berada dalam Kegelapan dan sebetulnya, inilah waktu tidur dalam Islam.

Tidur pada waktu ini dipanggil tidur delta di mana keseluruhan sistem tubuh berada dalam kerehatan.


Selepas tengah malam, alam mula bersinar kembali dengan warna putih, merah jambu dan seterusnya ungu di mana ianya bersamaan dengan frekuensi kelenjar pineal, pituitari, talamus dan hipotalamus.

Tubuh sepatutnya bangkit kembali pada waktu ini dan dalam Islam waktu ini dipanggil Qiamullail.

Begitulah secara ringkas perkaitan waktu solat dengan warna alam.

Manusia kini sememangnya telah sedar akan kepentingan tenaga alam ini dan inilah faktor adanya bermacam-macam kaedah meditasi yang dicipta seperti taichi, qi-gong dan sebagainya.

Semuanya dicipta untuk menyerap tenaga-tenaga alam ke sistem tubuh.

Kita sebagai umat Islam sepatutnya bersyukur kerana telah di’kurniakan’ syariat solat oleh Allah s.w.t tanpa perlu kita memikirkan bagaimana hendak menyerap tenaga alam ini.

Hakikat ini seharusnya menginsafkan kita bahawa Allah s.w.t mewajibkan solat ke atas hamba-Nya atas sifat pengasih dan penyayang-Nya sebagai pencipta kerana Dia tahu hamba-Nya ini amat-amat memerlukan-Nya.

rumah pecah!!!

on 25th March 2012...

my sister's house...damaged...due the tiles were 'terangkat'....

maybe because or while the construction time, not enough cement used...tak banyak semen letak kot...

so on that night...aku tgh buat keje...almaklum keje xsiap2...

esok nak bg transkrip kat students...

so keje sapa ke pagi ari tue...

buat keje kat dalam bilik...then tetiba dengar bunyi macam org pecah masuk...(dah la skang nie banyak rumah kene pecah masuk...yg terbaru dgr rumah mawi Af after rumah Wardina...bukan apa...rumah mawi tue mmg area bangi nie...)...takut betul...berdebar je dok diam je la kat dlm bilik sister n brother in law dah tido time tue...takut nak keluar...kemudian dgr mcm my brother in law keluar...barulah eden pon brani keluar...tgk2, tiles semua dah terangkat...kira punya kira, dlm 80 jugak yg terangkat...

the tiles were 'terangkat'....

ingat bleh je repair yg rosak tue je...

tp mana bleh coz bila nak repair yg rosak tue...

yg xrosak pon akan rosak sama...

so, kesudahannya, semua kene ganti baru...

like buat renovation kat umah tue lah...

gambar kat bawah adalah proses renovate tue...

imagine la betapa kotor n berdebu nyer...

sib baik my sister n brother in law dah siap tutup dengan paper,plastic or whatever lah barang2 kat umah tue..if not, bayangkan macam mana nak bersihkan lepas renovation tue siap...huhu

repair mode
cleaning mode

tips for ielts

Listening section needs keen attention of the candidate. Try to scan the questions before the recording starts and anticipate the answers, write them down in pencil on the question booklet. Change them, if required when the recording plays. Please do not assume that you can write answers after the recording stops. This will never happen since you will forget the answers after the recording.

Reading section needs only careful reading. Some questions may be tricky, so do not assume anything. All answers should be based on the passage given.

Writing needs a little bit of actual writing because we all are now used to typing on the computer and hence the speed and word count will come only with practice in a day or two.

Please do not worry about the speaking test. This will happen in a very natural and encouraging environment. Hence be confident, use English language for daily use as much as possible.

There is no need to go for IELTS coaching classes. Training available on Internet is sufficient. Use IELTS-Blog site as much as possible.

Good luck to all candidates and thanks to”

Sunday, 8 April 2012

dub dab dup dap

its confirm...

the interview will be held on 3rd of Nov 2011....Thursday...but i'm still not ready yet...huhu...e/thing related to intvw, of course i will not ready...hihi...but i will try my best...insyaallah..

its confirm!!!

Its confirm

Lama betul xpost kat blog nie...regarding dub dab dub dab ritu, dah confirm...dah lapor diri pada 3 January 2012 as lecturer sementara skang nie dah bln 3, 2 months already working as lect....gaji pon ok sket dari keje sblm nie lah...alhamdull=illah...skang nie nak menyesuaikan diri masuk mengajar plak...pastu plan amik study leave...coz skang nie jugak buat phd dah...sem2 already skang study leave kene apply cepat2....hopefully by nex sem, dah dpt study leave...insyaallah...

selain dari tue gak, kene make sure buat penulisan dan penerbitan banyak bahan nak manulis xder g...maybe just guna thesis masters utk penulisan skang nie...yang phd punyer, masih di peringkat nak buat cadangan akan mula start dengan projek phd, maybe next sem...

insyaallah...all da best TMTS.....

Education Journey

Education 1.0 was characterized by a teacher lecturing from the front of the classroom and scribbling on a chalkboard while students were primarily observers and listeners.

Education 2.0 took those traditional teaching methods and replaced chalkboards and filing cabinets with personal computers, digital projectors, educational software, and data systems— allowing for massive data collection, as well as some curricular changes and economies of scale. In other words, schools added computer labs and other technologies to their instruction, but they didn’t make those tools a vital, transformational part of the curriculum; for the most part, teachers still imparted knowledge from the front of the class, and students still listened and took notes.

Education 2.0 begins the transition to a new educational paradigm based on knowledge production and innovation production, the appropriate engines for viable 21st Century economies.

Education 3.0, which empowers students to produce, not merely to consume, knowledge. Education 3.0 is made possible by Education 2.0 (Internet-enabled learning), and by centuries of experience with memorization (Education 1.0). Ed­u­ca­tion 3.0 sub­sti­tutes this “just in case” mem­o­riza­tion with skills for de­sign­ing their fu­tures in a so­ci­ety that is in­creas­ingly de­pen­dent on imag­i­na­tion, cre­ativ­ity and in­no­va­tion. Education 2.0 is a necessary foundation for Education 3.0. World-wide, productivity through 2.0 “open sourcing” creates “pushes” toward involvement in innovation.

Education 3.0 is to take a holistic approach in which technology is as important a part of instruction as the teachers and the lesson plans, and where all three pieces work together seamlessly. Education 3.0, its evangelists say, creates a transformational, hands-on learning environment that help motivate students to develop the skills and knowledge they’ll need in the modern world: problem solving, critical thinking, innovation, business literacy, and collaboration.

Education 3.0 is qualitatively different incarnations that build upon Education 2.0 information sourcing capabilities and, to a lesser extent, the memorization habits of Education 1.0. We realize that most of the world’s education is at the l.0 level, and that only a fraction of world education is “officially” moving toward Education 2.0 despite the fact that students often attempt to Leapfrog beyond 1.0, if only – and often by necessity - outside the classroom.

Education 1.0 and 2.0 did not focus as much on the real-world skills that students need. You clearly need to design curriculum and teaching and learning practices and use technology to develop those skills in your students. Education 3.0, it’s more about holistic transformation. This transformation must start with student instruction in mind: Curriculum teams need to develop lesson plans that incorporate technology as an essential component, and one that enables a hands-on, project-based approach to instruction—making whatever adjustments to the classroom environment are necessary. School districts must set up technology-planning teams to assess their current technology, staffing, and workflow, then build a forward-looking technology plan and maintain it. Students must have access to basic technology tools, such as word processing and spreadsheets, as well as always-on connectivity. Teachers—trained properly in the use of new tools and technology to help guide instruction—must select up-to-date content from online resources and edit digital content to personalize the curriculum for each student. And all of this should be standardized across the district to maintain a consistent vision and minimize costs and complexity.

Figure   1          Transformation of Education

Table 1 Comparison between Education 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0

“Download” Education

“Open Access” Education

Knowledge Producing Education
Meaning is…
Socially constructed, with aid of (usually limited) Internet access
Socially constructed and contextually reinvented knowledge
Technology is…
Confiscated at the classroom door (digital refugees)
Cautiously adopted open access (digital immigrants)
Everywhere (digital natives in a digital universe) for ubiquitous knowledge construction and transmission
Teaching is done …
Teacher to student
Teacher to student and student to student (progressivism); Internet resources are a normal part of learning activities
Teacher to student, student to student, student to teacher, people-technology-people (co-construction of knowledge)
Schools are located…
In a building (brick)
In a building or online (brick and click), but increasingly on the Web throughhybrid and full internet courses
Everywhere in the “creative society” (thoroughly infused into society: cafes, bowling alleys, bars, workplaces, etc.)
Parents view schools as…
Daycare with an laboratory edge, provided by open access and gradual movement toward project-based learning
Places for students to create knowledge, and for which parents may provide domestic, volunteer, civic, and fiscal forms of support
Teachers are…
Licensed Professionals
Licensed Professionals who team with students, parents and others to (gradually) create more interesting class experiences
Everybody, Everywhere, backed up by wireless devices designed to provide information raw material for knowledge production
Hardware and software in schools…
Are purchased at great cost and ignored
Are open source and available at lower cost, permitting open access “on the cheap” and beyond school premises and time frames
Are available at low cost and are used purposively, for the selective production of knowledge
Industry views graduates as…
Line workers who must be trained and from whom little created is expected
A workers marginally or ill-prepared for the knowledge-producing economy
As knowledge-producing co-workers and entrepreneurs who can support the development of focused knowledge construction

Educating the best and the brightest in this brave new world will take a new and improved educational paradigm. Ed­u­ca­tion 1.0 schools can­not teach 3.0 stu­dents. The move to the 3.0 par­a­digm re­quires gen­uine and mas­sive struc­tural trans­for­ma­tions. If schools con­tinue to em­brace the 1.0 par­a­digm and are out­moded by stu­dents that thrive in a 3.0 so­ci­ety, we can only ex­pect con­tin­u­ous fail­ure.

Fun­da­men­tal re­la­tion­ships
Com­plex cre­ative (tele­o­log­i­cal)
Con­cep­tu­al­iza­tion of or­der
In­ten­tional, self-or­ga­niz­ing
Re­la­tion­ships of parts
Change process
Cre­ative de­struc­tion

Three generations of education

Education 1.0 is, like the first generation of the Web, a largely one-way process. Students go to universities to get education from professors, who supply them with information in the form of a stand up routine that may include the use of class notes, handouts, textbooks, videos, and in recent times the World Wide Web. Students are largely consumers of information resources that are delivered to them, and although they may engage in activities based around those resources, those activities are for the most part undertaken in isolation or in isolated local groups. Rarely do the results of those activities contribute back to the information resources that students consume in carrying them out.
Education 2.0 happens when the technologies of Web 2.0 are used to enhance traditional approaches to education. Education 2.0 involves the use of blogs, podcasts, social bookmarking and related participation technologies but the circumstances under which the technologies are used are still largely embedded within the framework of Education 1.0. The process of education itself is not transformed significantly although the groundwork for broader transformation is being laid down.
Education 3.0 is characterized by rich, cross-institutional, cross-cultural educational opportunities within which the learners themselves play a key role as creators of knowledge artifacts that are shared, and where social networking and social benefits outside the immediate scope of activity play a strong role. The distinction between artifacts, people and process becomes blurred, as do distinctions of space and time. Institutional arrangements, including policies and strategies, change to meet the challenges of opportunities presented. Education 3.0 as used here is embraces many of the concepts referred to by Downes (2005) in his concept of e-learning 2.0, but complements them with an emphasis on learning and teaching processes with a focus on institutional changes that accompany the breakdown of boundaries (between teachers and students, higher education institutions, and disciplines).

 Table 2: Educational generations in higher education
Education 1.0
Education 2.0
Education 3.0
Primary role of professor
Source of knowledge
Guide and source of knowledge
Orchestrator of collaborative knowledge creation
Content arrangements
Traditional copyright materials
Copyright and free/open educational resources for students within discipline, sometimes across institutions
Free/open educational resources created and reused by students across multiple institutions, disciplines, nations, supplemented by original materials created for them
Learning activities
Traditional, essays, assignments, tests, some groupwork within classroom
Traditional assignment approaches transferred to more open technologies; increasing collaboration in learning activities; still largely confined to institutional and classroom boundaries
Open, flexible learning activities that focus on creating room for student creativity; social networking outside traditional boundaries of discipline, institution, nation
Institutional arrangements
Campus-based with fixed boundaries between institutions; teaching, assessment, and accreditation provided by one institution
Increasing (also international) collaboration between universities; still one-to-one affiliation between students and universities
Loose institutional affiliations and relations; entry of new institutions that provide higher education services; regional and institutional boundaries breakdown
Student behaviour
Largely passive absorptive
Passive to active, emerging sense of ownership of the education process
Active, strong sense of ownership of own education, co-creation of resources and opportunities, active choice
E-learning enabled through an electronic learning management system and limited to participation within one institution
E-learning collaborations involving other universities, largely within the confines of learning management systems but integrating other applications
E-learning driven from the perspective of personal distributed learning environments; consisting of a portfolio of applications

In an Education 3.0 world, institutions will be called on to accredit not programs of study or courses, but rather to accredit learning achieved.

Education in the 20th and early 21st Centuries (Education 1.0) has been based on scarcity. Professors and learning resources are scarce. Learning materials are difficult and costly to produce, and being physical objects, they are hard to move around. Being physical objects, they are also rivalrous, so a single copy of a book in a library cannot be signed out to two people at once. Professors are also costly to move around. This results in professors and learning resources being aggregated into institutions within which most of the key processes are contained.

The concept looks at the holistic approach to the transformation of the education system. Education exists in a digital universe and is infused in every aspect of society with every individual looking to innovate and grow intellectually.

Schools need to be equipped with a network and good bandwidth with access to mobile devices and laptops. It should focus on the integration of ICT tools and the internet in the classroom and into the learning process.

Teach­ing in Ed­u­ca­tion 3.0 re­quires a new form of co-con­struc­tivism that pro­vides mean­ing­ful ex­ten­sions to Dewey, Vy­got­sky and Freire, while build­ing the fu­ture. Specif­i­cally, teach­ing in Ed­u­ca­tion 3.0 ne­ces­si­tates a Leapfrog ap­proach with:
  • Adults who are ea­ger to imag­ine, cre­ate and in­no­vate with kids
  • Kids and adults who want to learn more about each other
  • Kids and adults who part­ner to col­lab­o­rate in teach­ing to and learn­ing from each other
  • Kids who work at cre­ative tasks that mir­ror the in­no­va­tion work­force
  • An un­der­stand­ing that kids need to con­tribute to all eco­nomic lev­els, and with bet­ter dis­tri­b­u­tion of ef­fort than in the past

Education 3.0 is a term that has been used to describe a level of transformative capabilities and practices for education in the 21st century. Education 3.0 is an interesting approach that views Web 2.0 as an enabling technology for change in HE.

Characterising three stages of education they describe:
·         Education 1.0 as being in a didactic style,
·         Education 2.0 as Education 1.0 enhanced by use of Web 2.0 technologies.
·         Education 3.0 as "characterized by rich, cross-institutional, cross-cultural educational opportunities within which the learners themselves play a key role as creators of knowledge artefacts that are shared, and where social networking and social benefits outside the immediate scope of activity play a strong role. The distinction between artefacts, people and process becomes blurred, as do distinctions of space and time. Institutional arrangements, including policies and strategies, change to meet the challenges of opportunities presented. Education 3.0 as used here embraces many of the concepts referred to by Downes (2005)119 in his concept of e-learning 2.0, but complements them with an emphasis on learning and teaching processes with a focus on institutional changes that accompany the breakdown of boundaries (between teachers and students, higher education institutions, and disciplines)."

These concepts are widespread. In Europe there is a groundswell of interest in whether Web 2.0 will act as either a transformative or an enabling force in changing universities by blurring the boundaries between individual universities, by blurring the boundaries between higher education and open education, by giving rise to the need for other qualification awarding bodies at HE levels, and by changing learning and teaching practice.


Education 3.0 provides an alternative scenario in which an open higher education environment can bring the mechanisms of open peer review and critical rationality (Popper, 1972) to teaching and learning, reduce cost through resource sharing, and increase collaboration across national and institutional borders.

Table 1.0 highlights three key distinctions between HE 1.0 and HE 2.0. As the previous sections have discussed, these may firstly involve the primary role of a lecturer changing from broadcasting to a lecture theatre full of students to facilitating an integrated online and off-line learning environment. Secondly, there may be a move away from a reliance on linear teaching delivery, via traditional lectures, and towards the use of media such as podcasts and videos which students can control as they please. Thirdly and perhaps most
significantly, as mashups and resource piggybacking become the norm there is likely to be a far looser coupling of teaching content to an academic’s parent institution.

Table 1: HE 1.0 and HE 2.0

Education 1.0
Education 2.0
Education 3.0
characterized current systems used in education as a design pattern that is not supportive of lifelong learning or personalization, is asymmetric in terms of user capability (e.g. between learners and teachers), and disconnected from the global ecology of Internet services.

Characterized the disruptive nature of decentralized educational technologies and documented some of the technological, social and behavioral changes that are leading to Education 3.0 under the heading E-Learning 2.0

Produced a convergence of institutions, and limited the range of potential areas of knowledge that could be the subject of programs of study. Aggregation within a paradigm of scarcity also means that educational processes and educational pathways are limited.

An increasing abundance of free and open resources for use in education means that learning resources are no longer scarce. Being digital, such resources are non rivalrous, there is no limitation on the number of people that can access the same resource simultaneously. Digital resources do not need to be aggregated into physical facilities, and many are 'out there on the

The key features of this version 1.0 were
1.      Unstructured learning experiences - nobody would "instruct", kids would just learn
2.      Holistic learning experiences - the processes were totally 360 degrees (naturally!)
3.      Practical orientation of learning experiences - there were no artificial classrooms

The key features of this version 2.0 were -
1.      Structured learning experiences - teachers would formally instruct kids
2.      Fragmented learning experiences - learning was broken up into separate pieces
3.      Theoretical orientation of learning experiences - artificial classrooms created artificial, theoretical experiences

Learning was gained through observation, repeat, inculcate and imitation.

Transitioned from apprenticeship to formal education and training. Despite our movements toward universal education, access to knowledge and opportunity continues to be inequitable throughout the world. Even with the arrival of the computer revolution, access to the tools of learning continues to define the learner.
Education 3.0 will only be gained through investment and universal standardization. Platforms for education and learning will slowly standardize and become globally accessible and affordable.
First generation of the web, mainly a one way process
uses the technologies of Web 2.0 to create more interactive education but largely within the constraints of Education 1.0
Breakdown of most of the boundaries, imposed or otherwise within education, to create a much more free and open system focused on learning.
The chalk and talk era
Assistive aides like multimedia
Large focus on communication and collaboration

Key points

1) Social networking (and social computing in general) transforms the learning framework by providing huge potentials for self-guided learning, cooperative learning and life-long learning.
2) The use of social networks in education, even if it’s starting within the educational providers, has a huge influence in the typical (classical) education. Thus it will
assist its modernization which is necessary so the later can easily adapt to the new requirements.
3) The “education 2.0” phenomenon, “questions” the current educational models through: a) the transformation of the teaching process (pedagogical aspect), b) by placing new requirements in the administration of the teaching process
(administrative aspect), c) by involving new educational tools (technological aspect) that contribute to a more complete and without discrimination education for the European citizens.
4) The boundaries between school and home, between formal and informal education, between teacher and learner, between education and entertainment, between content management systems and learning content management systems tend to become more and more blurred, more and more thin.
5) Although the current trend indicates that we are about to face a major change to the education as we know it, the deeper understanding of the “learning 2.0” phenomenon and its consequences to the learning process, to students, teachers, and to the educational system altogether, is still
quite poor. Farther research and analysis is needed to a series of critical factors so that all aspects and angles canbe fully understood.

Key components of Education 3.0

1. Curriculum, Pedagogy, and Assessment
This involves…
• A student-centered, personalized approach to instruction;
• Interdisciplinary and project-based work;
• A 21st-century curriculum that integrates skills such as problem solving, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration into the core curriculum areas; and
• Authentic assessments that measure these key 21st-century skills.
2. Infrastructure and Technology
This requires…
• A forward-thinking technology vision, led from the top;
• The creation of flexible learning spaces for students;
• A robust IP network that can support several interconnected learning and administrative systems simultaneously;
• Ubiquitous access to technology for all staff and students; and
• Sustained, targeted, and integrated staff development in both technology and pedagogy.
3. Policies, Procedures, and Management
This includes…
• A well-governed and managed system, with clear policies and procedures for using technology to transform education;
• A “change management” plan to guide this educational transformation and ease the transition;
• Data-driven accountability and decision-making; and
• An integrated ecosystem of partners.
4. Leadership, People, and Culture
This requires…
• Visionary leadership;
• Excellent teachers, principals, and system leaders; and
• An ambitious, collaborative, and innovative school culture.

Factors are cited as catalyst for Education 3.0
  • Wide diffusion of of e-learning
  • Growing interest in alternatives to teacher-centred approaches such as constructivism
  • Local, regional, and international collaboration to create repositories of educational content
  • Awareness for the need of recognition of prior learning
  • Increasing use of the Internet to find information and just in time learning
  • Increasing use of information technologies in daily life and for social purposes
  • Increasing social use of online virtual spaces
  • A new definition of self and society that includes computer mediated social structures, and people outside of one's immediate physical environment
  • The widespread adoption of personal computers and the Internet
  • The emergence of Web 2.0, including blogs, podcasts, social interaction tools, etc.
  • E-Learning platforms or learning management systems that incorporate features of Web 2.0
  • Free and open source software
  • The development of alternative licensing mechanisms to traditional copyright, which promote the use and reuse of (educational) content without requiring further explicit permission by the author or copyright holder or payment of royalties
  • Internet mediated peer-production has emerged as an efficient organizational model for development of information goods and complements the traditional understanding of firm- and market-organized production processes